Sunday, May 3, 2015

What Does the Gay Community Really Want and What Does It Mean?

I wish I didn't have to address the sin of homosexual behavior again. It is no different from any other sin. Indeed, we must be concerned about all sins. But we must be most concerned about the sins that people insist are not sins. 

During the recent Supreme Court hearings on gay marriage Justice Alito asked Solicitor General Donald Verilli if religious institutions can maintain their tax exempt status if they are opposed to same-sex marriage.  Verilli responded:

“You know, I — I don’t think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it’s certainly going to be an issue. I — I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is — it is going to be an issue.”

In an earlier post I asked if it will still be possible in our culture to believe and to say publicly that homosexual behavior is sinful? 

Right now the main item on the gay community's agenda is the legal right to marriage, but coupled with that is the insistence that this lifestyle not only have legal status but that it also have full acceptance by all. This is why some would consider it illegal for institutions, especially educational institutions, to oppose gay marriage.

Why are bakers and photographers being forced to participate in gay weddings? Why do gay activists purposely single out Christians for these services? It's not just about their right to be gay, it's about their offense that someone does not approve of their lifestyle. This they can't stand. 

What does this mean? Different people consider different things to be sins. Muslims think that I am sinning and blaspheming against God by believing that God is three persons in one God. But that does not mean that I think they should be forced to believe or speak  otherwise. Even more, it really doesn't hurt my feelings that they believe this way. It doesn't hurt me personally because I am at total peace with my faith in the Triune God.

I cannot see into the hearts of gay people, but I suspect that one of the reasons for their instance that their lifestyle be accepted might be because they are not at peace with it themselves. 

This is a very sad thing. There are not enough laws, affirmations, or celebrations that can be implemented to take away this internal dissonance. Even if every voice of opposition to the gay lifestyle were silenced by force, there would be one last voice - the voice of conscience and nature that would still be saying, "This is not right." 

This is the same voice that I hear in my head when I sin. This is the voice I hear when I have evil thoughts or words or when I fail to live up to God's high expectations of righteousness. The difference is that I don't try to suppress this voice for long. I agree with Solomon: "He who covers his sin will not prosper; but he who confesses and forsakes them will have mercy" (Proverbs 28.13). 

This is why, although we are concerned about all sins, we must be most concerned about the sins people say are not sins. 
God have mercy. Give us true repentance. Give us forgiveness in Christ. Amen.

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