Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Darwin Cried But We Rejoice

In 1839 Emma Darwin wrote a heartfelt letter to her husband Charles. In this letter she warned Charles about the limits of reason and the importance of not giving up on revelation. Darwin, the father of the idea of evolution, was very touched. At the bottom of the letter he wrote: "When I am dead, know that many times I have kissed and cried over this."

Darwin's comment shows that he was involved in much more than science as he was studying the natural world. There is no question that for many people, Darwin included, the idea of evolution draws away from God and away from the Bible. Emma actually said that "there is danger in giving up on revelation."

A cursory dismissal of the Bible and a blind allegiance to the ever changing opinions of scientists can be a very dangerous thing. If we deny the first miracle of God, why would we believe any other miracle of God? At the very least, people ought to consider suspending judgment on an idea that still remains controversial.

On the other hand, recognizing the hand of the Creator in creation draws us closer to God. The creation flows from the love of God and is a constant reminder of His power and majesty. For more on this see my sermon for Trinity Sunday, June 19, 2011. I would also recommend the new book by Joel Heck titled "In the Beginning, God."

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