Thursday, December 1, 2022

My One Year Anniversary with F3

     Today is my one year anniversary with F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, Faith). One year ago I got up at 5:00 a.m., drove over to Drost Park in Maryville, IL, and walked up to four guys standing around a flag. I asked, "Is this what you call F3?" They introduced themselves as Ankles, Squid, Roscoe and Bambi and were glad to see me. Ankles had invited me with an email. Actually, he wrote: "Maybe some of the younger men of your congregation would like F3." I thought, "I'm not recommending anything until I check it out myself. You never know, this could be some kind of cult!" 

     These guys did all sorts of exercises for thirty-five minutes: burpees, pushups, jumping jacks, bear crawls, sit-ups, planks, crab walks... And they had funny names for everything like Bobby Hurleys, Abe Vigodas, and Merkins. Half the time they used concrete blocks for Face Scrapers, Curls for the Girls, and CPRs. And you can forget four sets of ten reps!!! No, this is more like 20 reps, or 30, or maybe a 100 for three or four sets. Or maybe we'll just walk the bike trail for a mile holding the concrete block over our heads (Rifle Carry). There have been ladies out walking and calling their husbands on their cell-phones about these F3 kooks! 

     I went to three workouts and thought my heart was going to blow up, so I told them I better quit. I didn't want to die out there in the park! (They always make sure someone has a cell phone just in case they have to call 911.) But then I started doing the workouts on my own at home and learned to listen to my heart so I didn't over do it. They ALWAYS STRESSED: Push yourself, but don't hurt yourself. Get one percent better. Modify the exercise but not the effort. After a week of working out on my own, I went back, and I've been going ever since. I started F3 weighing 201 lbs. Today I weigh 184 lbs. At first I could only do about 75% of the exercises. Now I'm up to 95%.

     After the first workout they asked me about myself, my family and work. I told them this "O-Dark-Thirty" stuff reminded me of my days as a paperboy. So I got my F3 name: Paperboy. Over the last year I have met so many great guys in F3. We always end each morning with COT (Circle of Trust). For about five minutes the leader (we all take turns) shares a quote or thought, and we take prayer requests. F3 is not associated with any religion. It's like Alcoholic Anonymous where they expect you to believe in something greater than yourself, but most of the guys I've met are Christians. Afterwards we often have Coffeeteria, where we talk a little before heading off to work. Every once in a while we might have a breakfast or cookout. We also have had clothing drives and fund raisers for good causes. 

    The best compliment I can give F3 is that I wish I would have thought of it. It's a great idea to help men be the men God wants them to be. If you would like to know more about F3 check out and

Here's a little intro video:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

What the Choosing of Matthias Teaches Us About the Church

Joseph or Matthias? 

So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us—one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection.” 23 And they put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also called Justus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen 25 to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.” 26 And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. Acts 1.21-26 


     Jesus told the disciples in the upper room: "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you..." (John 15.16). It doesn't get any clearer than that. In this Christian church no one should be elbowing their way into any position of leadership. God is the head of the church, and He is the builder of it (Hebrews 3.4). In this way the church is unique among all other institutions along with the family, which He also establishes in marriage. 

What Twelve Witnesses Shows 

     The temptation and demise of Judas is a great sadness and a great loss. But it is a reminder to us that we have to be on guard ourselves against the temptation of greed or any other temptation. We can be tempted, for the sake of silver or any other earthly thing, to betray Jesus. Jesus and His kingdom has to be the most important person and thing in our life. After the loss of Judas, Peter spoke to the ten other apostles reminding them that this was prophesied, and that he needed to be replaced. Why was it so important that the kingdom move forward with twelve witnesses of the resurrection rather than just eleven? It must have had something to do with the twelve tribes of Israel which God originally chose. The number twelve is always the number of God's people and always a reminder that it is God who makes us His people. On the island of Patmos, John saw a vision of the people sealed as the servants of God. There were 144,000 of them, twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes (Revelation 7.4ff). Twelve is always a reminder that the church belongs to God. 

 Two Great Blessings 

     A bishop in San Francisco forbade a congresswoman from receiving holy communion because of her support for the sin of abortion. When this was first reported, another California politician decried the decision claiming the bishop didn't care about the people of San Fransico. This man has the view that the church is a manmade organization that needs to be in agreement with whatever the people believe. We hear this kind of talk a lot. The church needs to get with the times; it needs to adjust to the popular beliefs and morality of the world. It is the belief that the culture creates the church rather than the other way around. The twelve witnesses to the resurrection is another reminder that God created the church, and that the church creates its own culture whether the world likes it or not. This is the first blessing that comes out of the choosing of Matthias. 

     The second blessing is seen in the way Judas' vacancy was filled. The aposltes put forward two candidates: Joseph and Matthias. Then they cast lots with prayer to see which one God would choose. This again emphasizes that ultimate truth that God is the head of His church, that He is leading it, and He is giving to it His strength. Sometimes church workers are tempted to manipulate this calling process and to get themselves into positions of church leadership. The problem with this is that church servants are fighting against principalities and powers in their ministries. They have to have God's strength not their own. To know that you have been called by God to serve in His church gives that worker great confidence and strength. There is no second guessing here. 


     So here are two blessings: The church belongs to God and not to the world, therefore it stands on a firm foundation. Second, church servants are called by God and therefore strengthened by Him. The same applies to everyone called to full-time service or not. The more you see your situation in life as a calling under the control of God, the more you will also see the strength of God to help you in your service to Him. Amen.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Back in December I started working out with F3, which stands for F3 Nation - Fitness, Fellowship, Faith. F3 is a nationwide, free, peer-led fitness movement for men. Our group meets at Drost Park in Maryville rain or shine three times a week from 5:30-6:15 a.m. We have anywhere from four to eight guys show up. They have a lot of different workouts, and most of them are pretty intense. They are Marine Corps level for sure (but that was forty years and forty pounds ago!). Each man works out at his own pace, modifying the exercises as necessary. The goal is "to leave no man behind, but no man where he is." A typical workout would include a variety of burpees, push ups, sit ups, bear crawls, squats, etc., etc., etc. Sometimes we use a concrete block to drag along with our bear crawl, for kettle ball swings, or for military presses ("face scrapers," as they like to say). They have a whole "Exicon" describing all the different exercises. Right now I'm participating at a 50-75% level and building up. After the workout we come together for the "Circle of Trust." This is a brief time to share any concerns or prayer requests. F3 is not specifically Christian. Like AA, they ask that everyone believe in something other than themselves. "FNGs," or "Friendly New Guys," have to tell a little bit about themselves. Then they are given a F3 name. I told my group that getting up in the dark reminded me of my paperboy days - and that's how I got my name.
Come and join us anytime.

Listening to the Lutheran Confessions

I am really enjoying this podcast of the Lutheran Confessions from I'm listening through Podbean. The Lutheran Confessions are a collection of important statements of faith that arose from the Lutheran Reformation. These faithful catholic Christians called the church away from the scholastic (philosophical) theology and errors of the papacy back to the Christ-centered, Biblical theology of the New Testament and early church. At the same time they retained many of the beliefs and practices of the church which did not need to be changed.


Some might see "God is now here." Others might see "God is nowhere." Not much more than 150 years ago the greatest scientists saw complete harmony between science and theology. Isaac Newton firmly believed in an elegant, mathematical universe.. He wrote more about the Bible than he did about science (See, The Clockwork Universe, Edward Dolnick)! But then some scientists began looking at the natural world apart from God. They consider the universe to be an elegant accident! Now their theories are running into trouble, especially with the math. To make an accidental universe work, they are realizing they need infinite multi-verses and parallel universes. That is more fantastical than an elegantly created universe. And there is no natural evidence of such things (See, Our Mathematical Universe, Max Tegmark). The wisemen followed nature (the star) and God's word to Bethlehem to see Jesus. Faith and science are in complete harmony.